ECS Safety Services ECS Safety Services

Audiometric Testing

Leaders in Occupational Health and Substance Abuse Testing

Audiometric Testing

ECS Safety Services is able to provide quality hearing tests and electronically maintain and track an employee’s hearing level throughout their employment. To meet Occupational Health and Safety requirements, the measurement and subsequent tracking of an individual’s hearing is vital in maintaining workplace health and safety. Health care staff will discuss hearing results with each employee to ensure they understand the effects of noise on their hearing

Tracking an employee’s hearing is essential in meeting provincial noise requirements. Only by tracking an employee’s hearing can an accurate determination of the effectiveness of an employer’s hearing conservation program be made. By comparing work location along with an individual’s hearing, ECS can provide the vital year-to-year statistics to the employer to aid in compliance with the noise regulations.

ECS Safety Services requires all of our staff conducting audiograms to be certified as per provincial Occupational Health and Safety Code and CSA standard Z-107.6. The audiometric equipment used by ECS Safety Services is certified by a qualified technician and calibrated to meet all regulations including the CSA standard and applicable Noise Regulations.